Day 12 Summary – Carnage continues, but there is a rainbow at the end

At least one racer can attest to that rainbow so far.  Double Espresso made it into Hanalei bay just about at sunrise, in time to see there really are rainbows.  Passages and Nightmare are due in later this evening and tonight.  Crinan II, despite reporting a series of issues and a lack of functioning AP, is still holding his own and will follow.  Rainbow has been silently creeping up on others who are contending with some issue or another and is now on pace to be the fifth finisher.  Riff RiderFugu, and JouJou (the others) have all reported power issues or AP issues and so are sailing much more conservatively.

Taking the opportunity to gain some ground is Dark Horse, who may actually pass some of the former leaders. The comfort clump is still rocketing along, all be it with a little bit less wind, and a lot more sun, and eastern Morning Star is still keeping pace.  He could get a boost in wind from the front of the tropical depression remnants.  He should be far enough ahead as to not get stuck in the dead wind behind it.  Looking forward to more arrivals and the official beginning of Tree Time – let the Mai Tais flow!!

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