Corinthian and Round the Rocks Swag. Get your shirts and jackets here!
T-Shirts are now sold and distributed separately, making it simpler to get shirts.

Attention, SSS racers!
IN PERSON MEETINGS IN ALAMEDA ARE BACK!  Please save the following dates, from 7-9 PM:

* Thursday August 8 for a SSS Drakes Bay Skippers Meeting & LongPac Awards Meeting
* Wednesday September 4 for a SSS Halfmoon Bay Skippers Meeting Drakes Bay Race Awards Meeting
* Wednesday October 2 for a SSS Vallejo 1-2 Skippers Meeting & Halfmoon Bay Race Awards Meeting
* Wednesday November 6 for a SSS Vallejo 1-2 Awards & 2024 General Membership Meeting
We plan to meet at Oakland YC, and we’d love to see you there.

Bonus !! An anonymous donor has funded a $200 open bar; first come first served.

Experimentally, I’ve uploaded a zipped SSS .ics calendar to the forum at . You can try downloading, unzipping, and then importing into your favorite calendar program to have reminders about registrations, races and meetings.

Credit goes to SSS Commodore Chris Case, so thank you Chris!
And thank you for racing with the SSS.


Race Schedule for 2024

* January 27: Three Bridge Fiasco
* February 24: Corinthian
* March 16: Round the Rocks
* April 27: “No Trophy South Bay Regatta” (note there will be a trophy, but it won’t count for the season)
* May 11: SSS Singlehanded Farallones (coastal race)
* June 29: LongPac start
* August 10 & 11: YRA / SSS Drakes Bay Races (coastal race)
* September 7: Half Moon Bay (coastal race)
* October 5 & 6: SSS Vallejo 1-2

As announced at the meeting, the plan is for the coastal races to use the same SERs as YRA uses — which will include AIS in 2024.

Richard, SSS Race Co-Chair

The 23rd Singlehanded Transpacific Yacht Race – is DONE !!

Reports from racers are HERE
Reports From returning boats will be added to their thread.

Tracker Page HERE

The TransBack (boats returning) began 7/15/23
Track the returning boats HERE watch.php?FA=JACKY_T004055182_2_4247817093_NORMAL

Latest news;

All the racers are in !
Results are HERE

The amazing skippers of the 2023 Singlehanded Transpacific Yacht Race.

SHTP 2023 / Christine Weaver

SHTP 2023 / Christine Weaver

Back row; Christophe Desage/ Elmach, David Garman/ Such Fast, Todd Olson/ Gwendolyn,
Michael Polkabla/ Solstice, Mike Smith/ Eos, Alexander Benderskii/ Reverie,
Max Crittenden/ Iniscaw, John Wilkerson/ Perplexity, Randy Leasure/ Tortuga,
Piyush Arora/ Horizon, Bill Stange/ Hula.

Front row; James Quanci/ Green Buffalo, Chris Jordan/ The Pork Chop Express, 
Gary Burton/ Elizabeth Ann, Brendan Huffman/ Siren

Here’s the webcam in Hanalei where we can see you arrive!




Standing Sailing Instructions

Welcome! The San Francisco SSS offers events where singlehanded and short-handed sailors can share knowledge, gain experience, and find a structured environment to expand their horizons. The SSS encompasses everyone from a first-time, double-handed sailor to veterans of the Singlehanded TransPacific (SHTP) yacht race. We are always learning and always sharing knowledge.
Please join us for the full season. And if you have not already, please also check us out on: FacebookInstagram and Twitter

(Don’t forget to refresh this page often for new updates.)