Singlehanded Sailing Society
San Francisco Shorthanded Racing
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("The LongPac")
July 6 - July 12, 2011

Trophy Meeting is Rescheduled
for August 3rd, 2011
7:30 p.m. at the OYC

Link to Transponder
Tracking Map

Finish Times:

Class 1:
Ragtime!            3:09:27:04
Class 2:      
Moonshadow      3:19:15:36
Darwind             3:22:20:41
Tortuga              4:12:50:21

Results by Division, Overall Results

Final Update 10:00am, 7/11/11:

Tortuga finished this morning at 4:36:12. All boats and skippers are safe and off the course!

It's pretty dark, but here are some videos of Tortuga's finish:

I want to congratulate every boat and every skipper for getting his or her boat ready for the race, making the starting line, and bringing the boat, and yourself, back safely. To me, you are all winners! I also want to give a HUGE thank you to John Hayward for all his help with RC throughout the race. He was at the GGYC for every boat to finish and he helped relay information for us on VHF and SSB. John, I could have not done this without you. Thank you.

I will post corrected times for all finishers later today. 2011 LongPac RC, signing off from the GGYC.

Update 7/10/2011 9:00p.m.

Darwind finished today at 3:47:22.  Way to go Thomas! 
Here are some pictures and video.
Tortuga is currently 40 miles from the gate and heading home fast. 
We expect him home around 4:00am this morning. 
Yes, I do know a 24 hour Starbucks, absolutely necessary for any RC! 

Our last racer is coming home, what a great feeling. 
I'll give a summary of all finishers on Monday.

Update 7/10/2011 10:00 a.m.:

Moonshadow finished last night at 11:57:04.  He looked absolutely awesome with a full spinnaker flying at midnight as he raced across the finish.  It was a beautiful night on the bay with great visibility and a nice consistent wind from the West.  Great race Moonshadow, way to go!
Darwind is currently 28 miles from the finish.  He is doing great and we expect to welcome him home around 2:00pm today +/- one hour.  He will be fighting a small ebb coming in, but that is nothing he can't handle.  Great work Darwind, now bring her home!
We made contact with Tortuga this morning and all is well.  His track is more north now and he is heading straight for the gate.  It is a bit early to predict right now, but we expect him home sometime around 6:00am on Monday.  Great job Tortuga!

Update 7/9/2011 7:00 p.m. :

Ragtime! finished at 10:48:27.  Here are some pictures and video from the finish:


As of 5:15pm tonight, Moonshadow was 40 miles from the finish. 
His expected ETA is around midnight tonight +/- one hour. 
It all depends on the wind outside the gate.  We will
be there to welcome him home!

Darwind is doing great and heading for home at 6.19 kts. 
His course is directly for the gate and at this rate
we will welcome him home sometime on Sunday.
Tortuga is 192 miles out and heading home and looking great.  We will welcome him home sometime on Monday.  Great endurance Randy, keep it up!

Update 7/9/2011 8:00 a.m. :

Ragtime! is 15 miles from the finish and we expect him to cross the line sometime around 11:00am +/- 30 mins.
I just got off the sat phone with Tortuga and he is doing well.  He is about 9 miles from the mark on his current track and should be hitting the magic line in less than two hours.  He is very excited to hit the line!  He told me, "It's going to be the longest two hours of my life until I hit the line."  Awesome!  He is in 18-20 kts of breeze and is on a beam reach.  He said the wind was pretty high last night, 25 kts with gusts to 30.  He is in good spirits and feeling well   We cheer him on!
Darwind and Moonshadow have both made the mark and are heading home.  More on these boats later. 
Taz!! is safely back in the bay as of 6:00am this morning and getting some sleep.  He said he turned around in 38 kts of breeze and huge seas.  Wow.
The 2011 LongPac, one to remember

Update 7/9/2011 5:00 a.m.:

As of 5:00am this morning, Ragtime! was 30 miles from the Gate.  We expect him to finish sometime between 8:00am-10:00am this morning.  We will take some great photos of him crossing the line.  Great race Bob!!

Update 7/8/2011 4:00 p.m.:

Ragtime! has hit the mark and is screaming home. His ETA at the GGYC is a bit hard to calculate right now, but we are expecting him home anytime from 9:00am-3:00pm on Saturday. It all depends on the wind between the islands and the Gate.

Moonshadow is only 19 miles from the mark and should be turning for home by 6:00pm tonight. We will welcome him back sometime on Sunday!

Darwind and Tortuga are holding fast and still heading West to the mark. They are 50 and 70 miles, respectively. We are cheering them on!

I will post the best ETA we have for Ragtime! tomorrow morning. If you can make it, come out to the GGYC and give Bob a huge welcome back!

BTW: Alchera is back at port. He took his transponder down after spending the night at Drakes Bay. All is well.

Tracking Map Screen Captures 3:30p.m. 7/8/2011

Update 7/8/2011 7:30 a.m.:

To say this year's LongPac has been a difficult race seems like a major understatement right now.  Out of the 27 boats that started the race on Wednesday morning, only five boats are still in the race.   These boats are Ragtime!, Darwind, Moonshadow, Taz!!, and Tortuga.
These boats are now retired from the race:  Constellation, Joyride, Nancy, Ohana, Solar Wind, Tiger Beetle, Alchera, Archimedes, Crazy Rhythm, Culebra, Elise, Even Keel, Galaxsea, Gavilan, Grace, Humdinger, Mirage, Rainbow, Rosalita, Arcadia, Starbuck, and Xpression.  I was able to talk with a few of these boats via sat phone and they each have their own reason for retiring.  We will do a full write-up on each boat when they return so we get the most accurate information before posting. 
It looks like Ragtime! has made the mark by this posting.  Great work Bob, now bring her home!

Update 7/7/2011 10:30am:

Arcadia (transponder not working):   
37. 57
COG   270
Speed 2.1
Bulk of the fleet up at Drakes Bay, sitting in 3-4 kts of breeze.
Elise is having autopilot problems.

Retired from the race:  Humdinger, Culebra, Nancy, Rosalita, Tiger Beetle, Xpression
Synopsis:  Right now that are two completely different weather patterns going on in the race.  2/3 of the fleet are having little or no wind.  The other 1/3 is having too much wind and four of the five boats in this outer wind have now retired.  All skippers report in good health.  More to come.



Boat Name
 Boat Type
Alchera J120 51
Culeba Olson 34 102
Humdinger Walter Green 35 Trimaran 48
Even Keel Catalina 320 159
Mirage Express 27 129
Moonshadow Custom Wylie 31 138
Ragtime! J/92 105
Rainbow Crowther 10m custom 180
Starbuck Black Soo 135
Tiger Beetle N/M 45 IOR 2 ton 42
Tortuga Westsail 32 216
Xpression C&C 110 75
Nancy Wyliecat 30 129
Arcadia Santana 27 135
Galaxsea Nauticat 180
Rosalita Cal 29 183
Taz!! Express 27 129
Constellation Wylie 33 150
Darwind Pearson Triton 234
Grace Wauquiez Pretorien 35 132
Elise Express 27 129
Gavilan Wylie 39 96
Solar Wind Martin 32 126
Archimedes Express 27 129
Ohana Beneteau 45 60
Joyride J/109 69
Crazy Rhythm Santa Cruz 27 141

2009 LongPac Race Results

2011 Race Entries

LongPac NOR

LongPac Sailing Instructions

LongPac RRC (updated 3/26/2011)

LongPac Skipper & Crew Waiver & Release Form

SSS NOR and Standing Sailing Instructions (.pdf file)
Revised 3/1/2011

LongPac Division Splits

LongPac Communications Plan

Pictures from the Start Line

Pictures of Alchera, Hummdinger & Ohana
from Aboard Nancy

and some videos on YouTube:

Videos from Jeffrey abord Nancy: