As we approach launch date I thought I would start a thread on outstanding questions that folks may have. I am sure that those that get asked will probably be in at least several people’s minds.

I’ll start with my list:

  1. To confirm Comm Plan
    1. once a day POL check in to
    2. tracker every four hours to
    3. optional blogging to

  2. Trackers
    1. can we register more than one so there is a backup?

  3. Finish Line
    1. is one defined? I can’t find one in the documentation and I would like to get it defined in my chart plotter.

  4. Forms for Hanalei Bay
    1. Is there a link to them somewhere?
    2. Anyone having more luck with insurance info (not to hijack the other thread!)?

Getting excited! I am 8/10ths of the way to the finish line. When we leave on the 25th I will be 9/10ths there!
Tony Bourque
sv Circe