View Full Version : Registration open for Singlehanded Farallones

04-19-2024, 09:40 PM
Speaking of registration, a racer recently encouraged me to get race registrations opened a bit earlier. So I'm pleased to announce that registration is also open for SSS Singlehanded Farallones on May 11. Sign up for that at https://jibeset.net/JACKY000.php?RG=T005327570 .


04-29-2024, 08:03 AM
Count me in for the race deck for the Farallones. I'm available all day whenever you need me.

The mast head AIS antennae splitter on Starbuck is a work in progress.


05-01-2024, 10:56 AM
Thank you Matt!

05-01-2024, 10:57 AM
Sending this to SSS racers who are not already registered for SInglehanded Farallones:


Hello, SSS Racers.

The SSS Singlehanded Farallones is the original race that launched what became the SSS. This year we're racing on May 11, a week and a half from now.

On-time registration will end tonight at 2359. We appreciate your early registration because it gives us more time to check entry requirements.

From tomorrow through Wednesday May 8, registration will cost an extra $10 late fee for members and non-members of the SSS.

Note this year the SSS is requiring AIS for ocean races, starting with the Singlehanded Farallones. The race mostly happens in the shipping channel, and those of you who raced last year will remember the heavy fog all day. With AIS, you'll be visible to the ships even in a fog, and they'll know who you are to hail you if there's a "situation."

We'll do the normal Zoom skipper's meeting call on Wednesday May 8. I'll send meeting invitations on the evening of Tuesday May 7 to people registered by then.

Thank you for racing with the SSS.
