View Full Version : 2024 Sort of Singlehanded South Bay: Boats looking for "Ghost" crew, and vice-versa

03-30-2024, 11:38 AM
Hello, all.

The April 27, 2024 "Sort of Singlehanded South Bay" race is intended to help doublehanders get started as singlehanders. It's a for-fun race, not a season counter, so we're doing some beginner-friendly things. Most importantly, boats can bring along a "ghost" who cannot touch any controls, but who'd be available as an extra hand in an emergency, or just to help docking at the end of the day.

Boats that normally race doublehanded might natually want to bring their normal doublehanded crew as a ghost.

But if you want to race singlehanded and are looking for a ghost, please either
a) send email to raceinfo @ sfbaysss.org
b) post below
c) both

Please include a short description of your sailing background, especially your shorthanded sailing experience. And what city the boat will be coming from, to reduce the chance of a Benicia boat getting unknowingly paired with Gilroy ghost.

Similarly, if you will not be racing your own boat but would like to be a "ghost," please post (or send to raceinfo) a short description of your sailing background, especially your shorthanded sailing experience. And what city you'd be coming from.

Note this is a singlehanded race: if a "ghost" touches any controls (tiller, jib sheet, halyard, backstay, ...) from the starting sequence until the finish, you've broken a rule and must retire. We want to help people start singlehanding by giving them moral support and a safety net in an emergency, but this not a doublehanded race.

Thank you for racing with the SSS.

2024 SSS Race Chair