View Full Version : SSS "Sort of Singlehanded South Bay" on April 27; SSS In-Person Meeting on April 10

03-28-2024, 09:59 PM
SSS Racers, especially people that have only raced doublehanded, please consider registering for our beginner-friendly singlehanded event on April 27: the "Sort of Singlehanded South Bay" race, https://jibeset.net/JACKY000.php?RG=T007171603 .

In keeping with the theme of helping people begin to race singlehanded, this is a non-counter for the season, and we will do some things different than a typical race.

We aim to give boats an easy way to step into singlehanding by allowing "ghost" crew. So if you're worried about having enough hands in an emergency, or even just getting safely docked after the race, bring your normal doublehanded crew out with you. Just don't let them touch any controls while you are racing, and retire if they do.

If you are a long-time singlehander but do not want to race your boat, we would love to try to pair you with a new singlehander who would benefit from an experienced person to be their ghost. Please send a short description of your singlehanded racing background to raceinfo@sfbaysss.org as soon as you can so we can match you up. Include what city you are coming from.

Similarly, if you are a brand-new singlehanded and would like an experienced person to come with you, email raceinfo@sfbaysss.org as soon as you can so we can match you up. Be sure to include your sailing background and what city the boat is berthed in.

We probably won't be able to pair everyone --- it's unlikely that we will get exactly the same number of ghosts and people looking for ghosts. But we'll do what we can. Please send your requests in early for a better chance of getting matched up.

We're including an extra "practice start sequence" for beginner singlehanded racers to get some experience in pre-start and starting.

We'd like to encourage people to race what they have and not worry about not having a "race" boat, so for this race we'll offer some cruiser-friendly handicap allowances. You'll notice extra questions about your boat at registration to reflect that.


On a different topic that applies to singlehanders and doublehanders: The SSS plans to have an in-person meeting at Oakland YC, 7-9 PM Wednesday April 10. Awards for the Corinthian race will be distributed. Come meet your fellow racers!

Thank you for racing with the SSS!
