View Full Version : Round the Rocks: Registration is open / volunteers wanted

03-09-2024, 05:20 PM
Hello, SSS Racers!

Seventy-five of you have already registered for SSS Round the Rocks coming up on Saturday, March 16. If you have not registered but would like to do so, please do it now at https://jibeset.net/JACKY000.php?RG=T0066054991 --- the earlier people register, the more time our race information officer volunteer has to check registrations. And the more time I have to start thinking about decent class breaks. If you'd like to hold off, registration is open until 2359 Wednesday, March 13.

Note that a 2024 PHRF certificate is required.

If you are not racing, we could use a few volunteers to help run the race. We'll have a starting shift from 0840 through 1300, and a finish shift from 1300 through 1915. Please send email to racechair@sfbaysss.org if interested.

Thank you for racing (or volunteering!) with the SSS.


03-12-2024, 07:50 PM
I'm sending something similar to the following to all registered entries for Round the Rocks:


1) As usual, we will have a competitor's meeting Wednesday before the race (tomorrow!) at 7:30. Here are the details:


2) Sailing Instructions are posted on Jibeset.

3) We're "a bit short" on volunteers at the moment, and while we have some "maybes" it is not clear right now if we'll have enough people to run concurrent checkins and starts. If we cannot get to at least five volunteers for the starts, we'll need everyone to check in five minutes before the first warning, which means you'll need to get there a bit sooner, and checkins will have to go a bit faster. I know that is not anyone's preference.

4) If you registered to race and are now planning not to, please consider volunteering, at least from 0840 through 1300 for the starts; you don't have to stay until 1915. Volunteering is the closest you can get to racing without having to spend all day looking for wind. Please send email to racechair@sfbaysss.org no later than Thursday night if you'd like to help.

Thank you for racing with SSS, and I look forward to seeing you Saturday.
