View Full Version : 2024 SSS Three Bridge Fiasco Registration is Open

01-02-2024, 11:24 PM

Registration is now open for the largest race on San Francisco Bay, by number of entries: the January 27, 2024 Three Bridge Fiasco.

We've made several changes that are net improvements.

* The annual membership fee is now only $120, saving $50 compared to last year
* The single race entry fee is now only $35, saving $15/race compared to last year
* T-Shirts are now sold and distributed separately, making it simpler to get shirts
* A new a $10 late fee for registering in the last week of registration should lead to better class breaks
* Some race-specific information moves out of the general NOR and into per-race NOR addendums to reduce information that only applies to other races
* The long list of "one design" boats has been slimmed down to reflect participation last year

Register now for an unforgettable day on the water: https://jibeset.net/JACKY000.php?RG=T005347597

This is the first race of 2024, and one source of stress racers can face for early races is getting a 2024 YRA PHRF certificate. (For this race you can also use a 2023 one.) Please reduce your own stress, and the stress at YRA, by applying for that as early as possible.

Thank you for racing with the Singlehanded Sailing Society, and we look forward to seeing you on the water!

2024 Race Co-Chair

01-04-2024, 03:48 PM
No in person meeting planning for this race? The thing that grew and nourished the SSS over the decades and it's huge success was in my opinion partially due to us meeting before and after every race. I know many like Zoom but there is no replacement for meeting in person. Seems like every other racing organization and club has gone back to live meetings and I think it's long overdue for the SSS to get back to our roots.

01-08-2024, 03:09 PM
My compliments to SSS for fighting inflation! A reduction in race entry fee. More then ever the SSS races provide the most bang for the buck. SDK

01-08-2024, 07:54 PM
Hello, Solosailor.

My understanding of the board's intent is to keep zoom for the skipper's meetings as a way to welcome people who do not want to drive, and then have post-race award meetings in person. But that's not the part I'm in charge of, so if you hear differently from anyone on the board ....

01-08-2024, 10:42 PM
No in person meeting planning for this race? The thing that grew and nourished the SSS over the decades and it's huge success was in my opinion partially due to us meeting before and after every race. I know many like Zoom but there is no replacement for meeting in person. Seems like every other racing organization and club has gone back to live meetings and I think it's long overdue for the SSS to get back to our roots.

The pre-3BF meeting used to be the biggest gathering of sailors in the Bay Area..We can bring it back with a DIY gathering of competitors at Richmond Yacht Club 5 pm Friday before Saturday's start. See you there. First 5 competitors to introduce themselves get coveted custom sleddog telltales.


01-09-2024, 06:41 PM
See you there.

You betcha!

01-10-2024, 11:05 PM
We have 124 boats registed with two weeks to go before registration closes. If you're one of the people who has registered, paid your fees, and submitted a PHRF cert, thank you!

If you have not registered and are thinking about it, there is only one week remaining before the late fee kicks in. Please register now. We have a racer whose job is to review hundreds of entries and check each boat has a certificate, the handicap is correct, fees have been paid, etc --- and the night before the race I'd like him him to be free to prepare his boat, not trying to make it though a backlog of last-minute registrations or certificate issues.

I've sent the following to people who raced in the past but have not registered for this year.


Hello, SSS Racers!

The biggest "crazy fun" race on San Francisco Bay, and perhaps the West Coast, is coming up quickly, on January 27. There are two weeks left to register, but registration after Wednesday, January 17, will incur an extra $10 late fee.

Entry costs are lower than any time in recent memory:
* $120 for SSS Membership, down $50 from last year
* $35 for a single race, down $15/race from last year

Note T-shirts, and late entry fees, are not included.

Order shirts directly from Pirate's Lair at https://store.pirateslair.com/singlehanded-sailing-society/

Please register now, and apply for any needed 2024 PHRF certificate now, to avoid last minute stress on you, YRA, or us.

Fiasco registration is at https://jibeset.net/JACKY000.php?RG=T005347597
YRA 2024 PHRF certificates registration is at https://jibeset.net/YRA000.php?RG=T036978841

Thank you for racing with the SSS!

2024 Race Co-Chair

01-10-2024, 11:32 PM
Sleddog and Philpott, I laud your initiative, and hope RYC is not going to be miffed about being flash-mobbed.

If you are beginning at 5 PM, when do you expect to end? Some people with day jobs might decide if they should set out for RYC, or not, based on how much of the gathering they could attend.

01-16-2024, 03:32 PM
No in person meeting planning for this race? The thing that grew and nourished the SSS over the decades and it's huge success was in my opinion partially due to us meeting before and after every race. I know many like Zoom but there is no replacement for meeting in person. Seems like every other racing organization and club has gone back to live meetings and I think it's long overdue for the SSS to get back to our roots.

i second this... although driving 2hours to the meeting in alameda was also a problem for me.... but i DESPISE zoom meetings.

01-25-2024, 10:23 PM
so ... maybe i missed it... but how do i get a shirt now ???? is there an extra button to push or what ?

01-25-2024, 10:55 PM

01-26-2024, 10:20 AM

When my friend Kees first told me that he planned to come visit I tried to order a $35 shirt for him (plus tax + shipping). Why? Because he's coming all the way from Mississippi to sail with me on an engineless boat. What a good sport. I had hoped he would receive the shirt in time for the race. Alas, after multiple attempts I was unable to buy one online. I emailed the company but did not receive a response. I tried again last week with the same result.

Yesterday I received a voicemail from someone at Pirates Lair who told me that my email had been received. That's it. Maybe it is possible to buy one online now, one day before the race. Dunno.

01-26-2024, 11:36 AM
When I was the SSS Treasurer, it was understood that the Treasurer’s job included handling the swag. I was a busy CPA and asked if I could do just the financial part, and ask someone else to do the shirt designs, ordering and distribution. I was politely told no, the Treasurer’s job includes both. I ended up enjoying it and meeting a lot of skippers when distributing the shirts. We boxed up bunches of shirts for the Moore skippers from Santa Cruz who couldn’t attend the 3BF meeting, I dropped off some on people’s boats or in their dock or trailer boxes (Hi SDK). It’s not just the Covid aftermath - what’s changed is the spirit of volunteerism. I don’t know what to suggest to bring it back.

01-26-2024, 02:31 PM
To those of you creating the flash mob, I wish you good luck and good turnout. Say "hi" as appropriate for me, as I'll be still working on race prep.

I hope you all have a great race; the weather forecasts I've been watching all look favorable and this could be a don't-miss-year for Fiasco.

Meanwhile, speaking of volunteers, if anyone reading this thread is not planning to race but would like to be a part of the race anyway, please reach out ASAP to racechair@sfbaysss.org; we could use a few more people.

01-29-2024, 10:33 AM
Thank you very much, Race committee and volunteers, for organizing this race. One of the best Fiascos ever and a melee in the tradition of 18th century naval battles. Cheers Jan

01-30-2024, 07:39 AM
I try to add some pics... https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1czT3DvLnXikO73trpedk19tgUvydi32l?usp=sharing

01-31-2024, 08:30 AM
Great day, indeed! Now, tell me if that's just the "nostalgia of my first fiasco" kicking or if it could make sense: my first one on Summertime Dream was set for singlehanded folks only...we were 125...I felt I could run all options and safely! ( after Blackcaller went to Hank Easom buoy to pay my respect but left the busy Racoon to get south of Angel) Because, you know when you all dealing with a J1 in the gust you are cautious for each others OR run and douse your spinnaker alone you gave yourself and the others some room...Would it be -and the forum and that thread is not to prevent nor reinstalled C-vid prescriptions- possible to do just a solo only fiasco for all every other years? Now on Outcast, learning to maneuver a bigger boat and its electric motor range! Retiring at the East bay bridge span gave me a possible access back home... Best to all!

02-03-2024, 11:30 AM
Any suggestions about how to message a 3BF skipper that is not on the SSS member list - other than bugging the RC?


02-04-2024, 08:26 PM
Any suggestions about how to message a 3BF skipper that is not on the SSS member list - other than bugging the RC?


Might be able to find them on the YRA roster.

02-06-2024, 12:19 AM
Great day, indeed! Now, tell me if that's just the "nostalgia of my first fiasco" kicking or if it could make sense: my first one on Summertime Dream was set for singlehanded folks only...we were 125...I felt I could run all options and safely! ( after Blackcaller went to Hank Easom buoy to pay my respect but left the busy Racoon to get south of Angel) Because, you know when you all dealing with a J1 in the gust you are cautious for each others OR run and douse your spinnaker alone you gave yourself and the others some room...Would it be -and the forum and that thread is not to prevent nor reinstalled C-vid prescriptions- possible to do just a solo only fiasco for all every other years? Now on Outcast, learning to maneuver a bigger boat and its electric motor range! Retiring at the East bay bridge span gave me a possible access back home... Best to all!

Thank you very much for coming out and racing.

I believe this has (almost) always been a singlehanded + doublehanded race, but bring suggestions to the board and see what they think of it.

02-06-2024, 12:24 AM
Any suggestions about how to message a 3BF skipper that is not on the SSS member list - other than bugging the RC?


If you log into jibeset, and you're a member of one of the same organizations, you can click on the 'SSS Membership' or 'YRA Membership' buttons at the bottom left of the screen. Then you'll be taken to a list of all the boats that are members of SSS or YRA, respectively, sorted by sail #. On the right hand side of each row is a button that says "Contact." If you push it, Jibeset will send your contact information to the person who registered the boat.

You should have an example coming from me, just so you can see what that's like for the recipient.

It is up to the recipient to contact you.