View Full Version : 2023 Half Moon Bay Race Recap

09-10-2023, 09:24 AM
Twenty eight boats registered for the Half Moon Bay race this year.

Twenty one boats showed up to the start at St Francis / A. In addition to the anticipated YRA "RC's Choice" race immediately before our start, racers also had to deal with swimmers. While the swimmers themselves were out of the area by the time SSS boats started to congregate, being more a problem for the YRA racers, the radio waves were still congested. The Sharkfest Swim (https://raceroster.com/events/2023/63976/2023-golden-gate-sharkfest-swim) was on VHF 72, which the YRA race was using, before switching to 69, which we were using. They needed the VHF channel clear in the build up to their 9:30 start, and I'd like to thank all the racers who paused their checkings to let the swim organizers communicate their start. We rely on others to let us use VHF for our starts, so it's important to be respectful in turn.

Three boats retired on the trip down to Half Moon Bay.

Winds were expected to be 10-15, with some 15-18 forecasts for later in the afternoon.

In the event, winds were reported at on the light side, never more than ~10, with several lighter stretches that compressed the fleet.

Eighteen boats finished, starting with Outsider at 15:10:41, and ending with Dura Mater at 17:26:32.

Thank you to all the finishers for taking and sending their finish time. It took a while to get scores posted, as some boats did not text their finish times until well after they finished, but we were still able to announce results that evening.

Slainte won Singlehanded Monohull
Outsider won Doublehanded Monohull

For complete results, see jibeset: https://jibeset.net/JACKY000.php?RG=T005984768

I'd like to thank Xavier for volunteering on Race Committee.

Special thanks also to Gamayun for ferrying people around the harbor all afternoon, and Half Moon Bay YC for hosting and feeding us.

Richard, 2023 SSS Race Co-Chair