View Full Version : Remaining Questions!

06-12-2023, 06:18 PM
As we approach launch date I thought I would start a thread on outstanding questions that folks may have. I am sure that those that get asked will probably be in at least several people’s minds.

I’ll start with my list:

To confirm Comm Plan

once a day POL check in to ssspol23@sfbaysss.org
tracker every four hours to gotracker@comcast.net
optional blogging to racereporting@sfbaysss.org


can we register more than one so there is a backup?

Finish Line

is one defined? I can’t find one in the documentation and I would like to get it defined in my chart plotter.

Forms for Hanalei Bay

Is there a link to them somewhere?
Anyone having more luck with insurance info (not to hijack the other thread!)?

Getting excited! I am 8/10ths of the way to the finish line. When we leave on the 25th I will be 9/10ths there!
Tony Bourque
sv Circe

06-13-2023, 08:38 PM
For mooring permit,
email this address: dlnr.bd.kauaidistrict@hawaii.gov
they answer same day
will send application


for insurance, i called insurance company and asked them to add as additional insured:

State of Hawaiʻi
Dept. of Land & Natural Resources
Div. of Boating & Ocean Recreation
2494 Niumalu Road
Līhuʻe, Hawaiʻi 96766

the insurance company added the additional insured and emailed the verification while we were on the phone.


06-14-2023, 09:42 AM
You were able to get an insurance rider for Hawaii or a new policy? A while back I checked with 3-4 carriers and none would write a new boat policy for Hawaii (not the crossing, just local only insurance for a boat berthed there).

06-14-2023, 05:55 PM
I have Progressive. Policy covers out to 75 nm from US, this must include HI, so I did not request any add’l rider for HI.

“ Coastal Navigation

A coastal navigation limit of 75 miles is included for all listed watercraft at no additional premium. We automatically cover you out to 75 nautical miles from the coast of the United States and their respective territories.”

06-14-2023, 10:47 PM
Just switched to Progressive and now pretty happy bout that.
May as well add that additional insured with a phone call tomorrow- thanks for the heads up!

06-15-2023, 11:43 AM
I had Progressive write up a separate policy for Hawaii coverage and they didn’t blink. Cost 86 bucks for the Express 27 with additional insured wording Todd supplied. I’ll just cancel it early August. Some peace of mind as we navigate the Hanalei anchorage, Kalihi channel and other perils.

02-02-2024, 09:21 PM
Now this is interesting! Eight months later, I just discovered this discussion about insurance. I have Progressive also, but (as I posted in another thread) they said they couldn't cover me in Hawaii. Hmmm.

Max, Iniscaw