View Full Version : Registrations open for SSS Singlehanded "Anything Goes" North Bay Race on April 22

04-02-2023, 10:21 PM
SSS Racers, SSS Racers, SSS Racers!

We have opened registration for the Singlehanded "Anything Goes" North Bay race on April 22. THIS RACE WILL NOT COUNT TOWARD THE SSS SERIES.

A goal of this race is to be welcoming to new racers who don't think of themselves as having a race boat, so we've tried to have fun with the name and a bunch of lighthearted handicap allowances. (If you look at the handicap allowances and immediately think of ways to make your race boat into a cruiser, just to get a big allowance, you're missing the spirit.)

If you want to sail singlehanded but are worried about the risk of not having someone else aboard in case of an emergency, this is the race for you: we're allowing a "ghost" to race with you in this event. A "ghost" cannot touch any control while racing -- you're still racing on your own --- but can assist in an emergency, or before or after the race. Just be sure to retire if your "ghost" helps during the race.

So if you normally sail doublehanded, consider coming out with your normal crew person as a "ghost." I often joke that every doublehander could be a singlehander if they can race with just one person less onboard --- this is your chance to singlehand without even doing that.

Similarly, we want to be welcoming to someone who wants to bring a child along, if the child is under 10 and won't touch controls during the race. (That might work best if you also have a "ghost" aboard.)

Register now at https://jibeset.net/JACKY000.php?RG=T00937578 .

Beware I will probably have to hand-score this race in a spreadsheet to accommodate all the handicap allowances. (If it gets more new people singlehanding, the extra work will be worth it.) Please be patient when waiting for results.


In other news, the YRA / SSS Drakes Bay race that was originally scheduled for mid-August has moved to the weekend of August 5 & 6. Please update your calendars if you want to do that race.

Thank you for racing with the SSS!

Richard, 2023 SSS Race Co-Chair

04-06-2023, 09:42 AM
I’m curious about some of the special rules for this event but I can only see the first page of the NOR on my iThings. We’re out of town so no PC. Any suggestions?

04-06-2023, 12:16 PM
I’m curious about some of the special rules for this event but I can only see the first page of the NOR on my iThings. We’re out of town so no PC. Any suggestions?

With the first page open on your iThing, click on where it says All Pages in red near the top of the page and you should be able to see it all.

04-09-2023, 10:27 AM
Thanks Tom!

04-14-2023, 11:56 AM
This non-race race's motivation to motivate us lurking non-racers into racing our non-racing non-race boats has my mind racing with thoughts of racing.

SIs aren't up yet, but I'm curious to get a sense of the course. How North in the bay are we talkin' here? Or is it just to imply "not South Bay", where prior non-races went (if memory serves)?

04-14-2023, 10:10 PM
Please come if interested --- the "ghost" idea from the board is a great way to ease into singlehanding.

The SIs will be posted early if all goes well --- perhaps Monday night or even Sunday night.

Last year the SSS held a "South Bay" race, but two years ago was the inaugural "No Trophy North Bay." The course will be different this time, to achieve 18-20 NM, while avoiding The Sisters, but still in the same general area.

Richard, 2023 SSS Race Co-Chair.

04-17-2023, 09:34 PM
Lanikai, I put a chartlet in the SIs, which are now posted on jibeset. See Addendum B.

04-18-2023, 03:15 PM
Looking forward to it, Richard! New horizons and all that. A new course, anyway.

04-24-2023, 07:15 PM
Here are a few photos from "Anything Goes"


04-24-2023, 07:18 PM
And A a few more...


04-30-2023, 07:11 PM
Great photos, thank you!