View Full Version : Name one (1) thing you disliked about the SIs for the "No Trophy" race, and why

03-31-2023, 09:36 PM
Hello, SSS Racers!

We're getting ready to run a singlehanded race in the North Bay on April 22, with the goal of encouraging more people, and especially more new people, to come out and race singlehanded.

The race will not count toward the series, so expect some more playful / less serious elements in the race documents.

But I am serious about hearing your annoyances with the 2022 "No Trophy" SIs or 2021 "No Trophy" SIs, because those will be my starting point for the April 22 SIs. I'd like to hear one (1) thing you disliked and (more importantly) *why* you disliked it.

EG, don't tell me you disliked the Sisters as a mark, tell me you disliked the Sisters because you thought the channel was too narrow / shallow for the deeper draft boats in anything but a high tide.

Richard, 2023 SSS Race Co-Chair.