View Full Version : SHTP Race Results 1978 - 2021

02-11-2022, 07:29 PM
Here are the updated SHTP results to include the 2021 race. What a great job by the race committee to make last year's race a such a success in spite of all the many challenges. Hope 2023 goes much smoother.

Bill Meanley
Dolfin, Crealock 37

02-12-2022, 11:18 AM
Bill, thank you for putting in the work to maintain the race's history. These results are one of the cords that connect 1978 to 2021, and all the races in between.

02-12-2022, 11:55 AM
Thank you for spelling Synthia's last name correctly, Bill! Finally. And Syn never complained.

02-12-2022, 02:11 PM
Bill, thank you for putting in the work to maintain the race's history. These results are one of the cords that connect 1978 to 2021, and all the races in between.

Thank you Bill! ~sleddog SHTP 1978 & 2008

02-13-2022, 11:14 AM
Thanks, Bill!

02-13-2022, 11:42 AM
Bob, Jackie, Skip, Alan - that means a lot coming from you. It's nice to be able to contribute, even in this small way, and if there are more corrections or if sorting the list in a way other than "corrected time" would be interesting then I would be happy to do it.


02-13-2022, 01:42 PM
Hey Bill, so awesome of you to maintain this. All the volunteer work that's goes 8into the SHTP is what defines it's character .

02-14-2022, 08:12 PM
if sorting the list in a way other than "corrected time" would be interesting then I would be happy to do it.


I would be very interested in seeing it sorted by boat type, just to see what the most popular boats are. About 15 yrs ago the top 4 were: Olson 30, Cal 40, Moore 24, & Hawkfarm 28 (of all things!!)

And sorted by skipper's name, to see the recidivism. I'd wager that Ken Roper has that by a fathom.

02-15-2022, 07:30 PM
OK Synthia, Here is the list by boat type. I count 23 Olson 30's, 13 Finn Flyer's (12 with the General), 12 Cal 40's, 11 Moore 24's and 10 beautiful Crealock 37's.

02-15-2022, 07:37 PM
Next is the list ranked by Skipper multiple entries. Ken Roper leads by almost a fathom, 12 vs. Mike Jefferson's 7. Of course I may have messed up up, kind of like Brian.

02-16-2022, 02:48 PM
Next is the list ranked by Skipper multiple entries. Ken Roper leads by almost a fathom, 12 vs. Mike Jefferson's 7. Of course I may have messed up up, kind of like Brian.

Must have been a dream, but a really good one...

Steve Saul

SHTP 2004 Kaien Waterline 45
SHTP 2014 Grace Pretorien 35

02-16-2022, 09:51 PM
Must have been a dream, but a really good one...

So sorry Steve - you weren't dreaming (or maybe you were) but your name is now in the list of multi-entrants.

02-17-2022, 04:59 AM
Thanks, Bill!

03-01-2022, 09:45 PM
OK Synthia, Here is the list by boat type. I count 23 Olson 30's, 13 Finn Flyer's (12 with the General), 12 Cal 40's, 11 Moore 24's and 10 beautiful Crealock 37's.

Hmmmm. What happened to the Freedom 38?

Still, a very nice compilation, Bill :)

Carliane (SHTP 2018)

03-02-2022, 07:09 PM
Hmmmm. What happened to the Freedom 38?

Hi Carliane, I could be missing something but I only see one entry of a Freedom 38. To make the most vessel type list shorter I only listed models that have been entered at least twice. The Freedom 38 would qualify if you sail Kynntana in the SHTP again. Your Pacific Cup entry is very impressive and I hope you do well but unfortunately it won't get the Freedom 38 on this list.