A message from the Commodore

To past-season SSS members and participants:First – I very much appreciate your participation in SSS races during the last year. Whether single or doublehanded, it’s just plain  a lot of fun being out on the water with other shorthanded sailors. I hope you can join us...

SSS Annual Meeting

Special report from NorCalSailing   November 1, 2013Meet the SSS champs. Left to right: a future SSS sailor, Chris Lewis, Darren Doud, Dave Morris, Ruth Suzuki, Gordie Nash, and Dan Benjamin. ©2013 norcalsailing.comJust like baseball, every season must end eventually....

New SSS website under development

Hi All, As you have figured out, the development site parked here at http://sfbaysss.net/main is a ‘sandbox’ where I can develop the replacement site to our old main page, without messing things up!   At some point, a big lever will get thown, and all the...