At the Vallejo 1-2/Season Overall Awards meeting, the membership got a preview of our upcoming 2015 season.   Dates are contingent on final negotiations with YRA.   Additionally, we will try to have a Cruise-In sometime in June.  

Three Bridge Fiasco January 31
Corinthian March 21
‘Round the Rocks April 18
SH Farallones May 23
LongPac TBD
Drake’s Bay August 22-23
Half Moon Bay September 19
Vallejo 1-2 October 17-18

The member survey indicated a strong preference to have essentially the same season for 2015 as we had in 2014.   Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey; we had an excellent response with more than 80 replies.

There were a number of comments in the survey about the NCORC equipment and training requirements — these issues continue to receive a lot of scrutiny and debate.