low batteries, TAZ!! Express 27, G.Lythcott

George reported at 09:22 PDT, 8.2 kts, COG 239M, 25 degrees, 52.071 minutes, 144 degrees, 56.537 minutes. Overcast for a few days has has him closely monitoring batteries. Two LiFe batteries, at least 160 amps total. One battery dipped below 12 volts and another approaching low 12’s. He will adjust solar panel angles, sail trim, and AP response to help. As some of you may know, the West Marine X5 does not like to approach 12.0 volts, the ram will stop moving and the control head will loudly alarm with, “BEEP, BEEP, BEEP…BEEP and read something like “I am hungry, feed me or take over human!” From Joe B. Archimedes.