Hello Brian all good here fantastic sailing today, with the kite up most of the day (till I was too tired to steer) sailing under jib and main for the night under pilot now. 308 miles to go, more or less straight line (hope the expected shift will happen) position at 8:05 PM pacific : 23 17.344N and 154.02.552W, COG 206M at 6 – 7 kts
Category: Minibar
From Yves aboard s/v Minibar – Lighting up a Mini
Hello half- half day after a quiet night, get up early and put Code 3 up. not much pressure, upgrade to Code 2. then the fun started. 20/30 knots in the squalls in the rain (more like a shower). impressive. Max SOG 17kts. Tried to teach Ray (his full name is F____G Ray Marine X10) how to drive with a kite. the guy is stupid. he does not get it. after 4 hours I was tired. kite down, lunch, then Kite up (code 3) as it was 20+ again and I wanted to give another chance to Ray (the same idiot) with a smaller sail. Ray did a little better. I have to say that the Code 3 was hard to stabilize trying to go deep) Afternoon was just bad bad bad. light wind, turning at each cloud, some rain… kite down, jib down, main up, autopilot in compass mode (my wind mode is dead). I stay inside and look at the AWA on the screen to make sure I am more or less going in the right direction. I think my night is going to be like that. watching AWA to avoid unexpected jibs of my main. TWD is changing constantly ± 60 degrees ! Position at 7:30 PM Pacific :25 45.431N and 148 59.723… heading 252. and 613NM to go… it is taking so long take care Yves
From mini822 Yves reports in
Map Display has Minibar Stuck
Due to a tracker failure it appears that Minibar is stuck near the coast. In fact she is blasting across the Pacific enjoying breezes from 17 to 40. We will be attempting to do a manual update, once per day, starting today. Pinnacle tracking is making changes to allow this. RC
Mini bar checks in at 6 54 PM via sat phone
Position: 35:07, 128:35 Winds 18 to 25 Kite up for a good time today but autopilot can’t handle it so he is back to jib to take a break. 100% overcast and cold. Saw sun briefly today.