:arrow: New Website & Forum Preview
Screenshot 2024-08-20 113713

Check out our new website and forum! It’s in preview mode currently:

We’d love your feedback! Please submit it on the form on the landing page

Corinthian and Round the Rocks Swag. Get your shirts and jackets here!
T-Shirts are now sold and distributed separately, making it simpler to get shirts.


Hello, SSS Racers.

Half Moon Bay Race this weekend.

Be on the lookout for whales.

Particularly within Half Moon Bay.

Possibly within the harbor.

See you out there!


 HMB YC plans a fabulous dinner for us. Pre-order yours now at https://www.hmbyc.org/Default.aspx?p…d=100186&vnf=1 .

 HMB YC does not have docks for our use, but they will do some ferrying for people who anchor, and you can contact the pillar point harbormaster if you want to get a slip at pillar point.

More details on the last two are posted on jibeset at https://jibeset.net/racedoc/JACKY/T0…pdf?1724984159

Thank you for racing with the SSS!

Hello, SSS Racers. After discussing our experiences with AIS this summer, the organizing authorities that run offshore races would like to remind boats with AIS to check their setup: In 2024, AIS transmit was added to the standard Coastal Safety Equipment Requirements by US Sailing nationally, and YRA locally. We think AIS transmit has already helped one boat in very heavy fog where they were unaware of a container ship bearing down on them. Fortunately the container ship pilot could “see” them because of AIS, identify the boat, and hail the boat by name to avoid a dangerous situation. But we’ve also seen a few challenges – AIS broadcasting with extremely limited range – AIS with the wrong boat name – AIS visible in the morning, but not in the afternoon or evening when coming back in the shipping channel To help you stay safe, we’d like to ask everyone with an AIS to do some basic checks the next time you’re at your dock or on the water. – Turn on all the instruments you normally race with – Wait 5 minutes, then open up
http://marinetraffic.com on your mobile phone, and “zoom in” on your location. Marine traffic gets data from antennas all over the bay, so if you cannot be seen by any of those antennas, you’re in danger of not being seen by a ship. Make sure you show up. – Check your boat name is correct – If you have an opportunity, please append your sail number to your boat name. An AIS name like “Breeze 16803″ is much more identifiable than simply “Breeze.” – Leave your equipment on for as long as you’re at the boat. – Before you leave and power down, check marinetraffic again, and check the “position received” time to make sure you’re still broadcasting. Thank you for taking safety seriously, and for racing.


Hello, SSS Racers!

The SSS Half Moon Bay race is now open for registration. It’s typically a fun run out the gate and down the coast to Half Moon Bay YC. Register at https://jibeset.net/JACKY000.php?RG=T002310750 .

Note that like all SSS races out the gate, to enter your boat must meet all of the Safety Equipment Requirements for offshore (coastal) races, at http://yra.org/wp-content/uploads/20…anges-2024.pdf . This includes current safety at sea certification, and AIS transmit.

We will have an IN PERSON skippers’ meeting at Oakland YC on Wednesday Sept 4, from 1900-2100. Please join us for that to learn about this race, meet fellow SSS racers, and hear good stories about the recent Drakes Bay race.

Thank you for racing with the SSS!


Attention, SSS racers!
IN PERSON MEETINGS IN ALAMEDA ARE BACK!  Please save the following dates, from 7-9 PM:

* Wednesday September 4 for a SSS Halfmoon Bay Skippers Meeting Drakes Bay Race Awards Meeting
* Wednesday October 2 for a SSS Vallejo 1-2 Skippers Meeting & Halfmoon Bay Race Awards Meeting
* Wednesday November 6 for a SSS Vallejo 1-2 Awards & 2024 General Membership Meeting
We plan to meet at Oakland YC, and we’d love to see you there.
Experimentally, I’ve uploaded a zipped SSS .ics calendar to the sfbaysss.org forum at https://www.sfbaysss.org/forum/showthread.php?3020-2024-SSS-Calendar&p=34658#post34658 . You can try downloading, unzipping, and then importing into your favorite calendar program to have reminders about registrations, races and meetings.

Credit goes to SSS Commodore Chris Case, so thank you Chris!
And thank you for racing with the SSS.


Race Schedule for 2024

* January 27: Three Bridge Fiasco
* February 24: Corinthian
* March 16: Round the Rocks
* April 27: “No Trophy South Bay Regatta” (note there will be a trophy, but it won’t count for the season)
* May 11: SSS Singlehanded Farallones (coastal race)
* June 29: LongPac start
* August 10 & 11: YRA / SSS Drakes Bay Races (coastal race)
* September 7: Half Moon Bay (coastal race)
* October 5 & 6: SSS Vallejo 1-2

As announced at the meeting, the plan is for the coastal races to use the same SERs as YRA uses — which will include AIS in 2024.

Richard, SSS Race Co-Chair

The 23rd Singlehanded Transpacific Yacht Race – is DONE !!

Reports from racers are HERE
Reports From returning boats will be added to their thread.

Tracker Page HERE

The TransBack (boats returning) began 7/15/23
Track the returning boats HERE
https://www.jibeset.net/gaps watch.php?FA=JACKY_T004055182_2_4247817093_NORMAL

Latest news;

All the racers are in !
Results are HERE

The amazing skippers of the 2023 Singlehanded Transpacific Yacht Race.

SHTP 2023 / Christine Weaver

SHTP 2023 / Christine Weaver

Back row; Christophe Desage/ Elmach, David Garman/ Such Fast, Todd Olson/ Gwendolyn,
Michael Polkabla/ Solstice, Mike Smith/ Eos, Alexander Benderskii/ Reverie,
Max Crittenden/ Iniscaw, John Wilkerson/ Perplexity, Randy Leasure/ Tortuga,
Piyush Arora/ Horizon, Bill Stange/ Hula.

Front row; James Quanci/ Green Buffalo, Chris Jordan/ The Pork Chop Express, 
Gary Burton/ Elizabeth Ann, Brendan Huffman/ Siren

Here’s the webcam in Hanalei where we can see you arrive!




Standing Sailing Instructions

Welcome! The San Francisco SSS offers events where singlehanded and short-handed sailors can share knowledge, gain experience, and find a structured environment to expand their horizons. The SSS encompasses everyone from a first-time, double-handed sailor to veterans of the Singlehanded TransPacific (SHTP) yacht race. We are always learning and always sharing knowledge.
Please join us for the full season. And if you have not already, please also check us out on: FacebookInstagram and Twitter

(Don’t forget to refresh this page often for new updates.)